By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
On Friday night, Save Jerseyans, the Wall Street Journal cited sources familiar with the federal investigation and reported that last January’s Bridgegate scandal is finally coming to a head in the next few weeks.
This wouldn’t be the first false alarm. Back in December, after preemptively exonerating Governor Chris Christie (then backpedaling) only a few months prior, NBC claimed that 6+ indictments stemming from the politically-motivated Fort Lee lane closures were due in January 2015. That outcome never transpired.
All the same, we do know that a grand jury was impaneled, testimony was given, and even the Governor himself was extensively interviewed as recently as the holidays. Something seems likely to come of all of this… right? Despite a dearth of evidence of the Governor’s involvement in ordering the retaliatory bridge traffic study-that-wasn’t (a campaign fueled, in part, by one legislator’s gubernatorial ambition). The feds rarely expend this much money and time to come up completely empty handed as indicted by Governor Christie’s own record as U.S. Attorney (unless, of course, you’re a political opponent of the Obama Administration).
I could give you my best educated guess but it’d be just that and nothing more… a guess.
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Tax payers on the hook for a multi million dollar smear campaign led by John Wisniewski!
What John Bell said.
Most likely CC will be indicted for the Hoboken shakedown and possibly the bridge, before the dam (of his power) breaks and he gets into trouble for a whole lot more. Disbelieving Dawn Zimmer, who confided in two colleagues at the time, is for fantasists. I bet anything that Guadagno flipped, too. And since the Feds interviewed Christie, they probably will get him on charges of lying to them, too.
Then your position is that when they found the “time for some traffic problems” email, they should have stopped there and not asked more questions!?