By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
About 100 LD27 residents showed up to watch the League of Women Voters host an Assembly debate at the Livingston Community Center on Wednesday night, Save Jerseyans.
But incumbent Democrats Mila Jasey and John McKeon had other plans. Or so they told the LWV at the last minute according to a reliable Save Jersey source on site when an aide for the pair showed up at the last minute – 7:30 p.m. – to blame a “scheduling conflict” for their no-show.
That left Republican challenger Tayfun Selen, running this year with Q Rim, alone on stage representing his hard-working ticket before a packed and pissed off crowd that, needless to say, wasn’t impressed with the incumbents’ lame “scheduling conflict” excuse.
My theory? With Hurricane Joaquin expected to impact the Jersey Shore, McKeon probably changed his mind and enlisted Jasey’s help constructing a new dune in front of his beach home. Reasonable move…