It’s official: Christie moving up in New Hampshire

via the Christie campaign Facebook page

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

via the Christie campaign Facebook page
via the Christie campaign Facebook page

It’s still too soon to call it a “comeback,” Save Jerseyans, but we can now say that Chris Christie‘s polling position in the critical first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire is improving.

That’s with just under three months left to go before the February 9th Granite State contest which, historically, decides the fate of at least a couple of candidates. New Jersey’s candidate has all-but admitted it’s a do-or-die for his own campaign. 

Two polls in a row – WBUR/Mass Inc. last week and Gravis over the weekend – now show the Governor up to 8%. It’s not a seismic leap, but while he’s 7th place in the RCP average, the last two polls find him in 5th and tied for 4th place, respectively.

Does anyone else drop between now and February? If so, can Christie grab any of their supporters? Does he make it back to the big debate (his national numbers haven’t budged)? And will his “pro life for the whole life” message tailor-fit for New Hampshire propel him further? Or is he hitting a ceiling notwithstanding putting huge amounts of time in on the ground?

We’ll be watching…


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. You mean the BUFFET table, right? Time for this bloviating pantload to get off the national stage and go back to dancing the hucklebuck with Jimmy Fallon.

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