By The Staff | The Save Jersey Blog
Just when you thought the GOP couldn’t be any more divided, Save Jerseyans, a successful Friday omnibus spending package vote to avoid a year-end government shutdown has ignited fierce debate (most condemnation) in the right-leaning reaches of the Internet.
Two New Jersey Republicans dissented from the rest of the delegation.
Rep. Scott Garrett (NJ-05), a senior Member of the House Budget Committee, strongly condemned the $1.1 trillion Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016.
“While I strongly support provisions that provide health care to 9/11 first responders and address key vulnerabilities in how we issue visas to foreign visitors, this bloated $1.1 trillion spending bill doesn’t do enough to address our nation’s crippling debt, protect civil liberties, nor strengthen our national security and, therefore, I could not support it,” explained Garrett, who may face this cycle’s only competitive House contest in the Garden State. “New Jersey families are frustrated with Washington because of spending bills like this that are 2,000 pages long, include new surveillance provisions which were inserted in the middle of the night, lack adequate security from the threat of terrorists seeking to cross our borders, and add to the nearly $20 trillion national debt that is hindering our economy.”
Garrett was joined by Leonard Lance (NJ-07).
“The measure does contain a number of provisions I support such as lifting the ban on crude oil exports, closing dangerous loopholes in the federal visa waiver program, providing critical healthcare benefits for 9/11 first responders and blocking several Obamacare provisions including my legislation stopping the taxpayer bailout of insurance companies through the Obamacare risk corridor program,” added Lance in his own statement. “Most concerning to me is this legislation will reverse the hard-fought cuts in spending enacted by Congress in 2011 — the first real cuts the federal government has seen in decades. If Congress is serious about reducing our Nation’s crippling deficits and debt then we must abide by these reasonable budget restraints.
Referring to this act of backstabbing as “successful” is disgrace.
OF COURSE Leonard Lance voted in lockstep with Scott Garrett…he is being challenged in the 2016 primary and it’s necessary for him to once again don his Reagan mask and do his best to convince the voters that he is anything but a Big Government RINO and Establishment Hack.
Which reminds me, Rooney: rumor has it that you intend to sit out the presidential election in a huff if Trump gets the nod, apparently content to let Cankles take the White House.
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