Kasich, Heidi Cruz are headed to N.J.

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

June 7th is closer than it might seem on this wintry early spring weekend, Save Jerseyans.

And with Donald Trump’s “yuge” loss in Wisconsin compounded by delegate procedural setbacks in states like Colorado, New Jersey’s winner-take-all contest keeps growing in importance. It’s math: if states keep voting consistent with present trends, Trump likely has no chance of succeeding on the first ballot in Cleveland without the Garden State’s 51 delegates.

KASICH CRUZThen all bets are off.

That means it’s also possible we’re going to see more of the presidential contenders (and their top surrogates) over the coming weeks.

First up: John Kasich will visit former Governor Christine Todd Whitman‘s home in the appropriately named Whitehouse Station this upcoming Friday, April 15th for a $1,000 to $2,700 per person fundraiser co-hosted by several well-known N.J. GOP establishment figures including Governor Christie’s former state treasurer, Andrew P. Sidamon-EristoffDick Zimmer, Scott Sipprelle, Asm. Jack Ciattarelli, State Senator Jennifer Beck, Candy Straight and Brian Nelson.

Then on April 20th, the day after our neighbor New York votes, Heidi Cruz is coming to Monmouth County’s iPlay America venue in Freehold at 3:00 p.m. for an event with New Jersey backers of her husband, Ted. A series of planned March events throughout New Jersey featuring the aspiring first lady were cancelled when the Wisconsin primary – and infidelity allegations lodged against her husband – took supremacy.

We’ll keep you in the loop when more details regarding Heidi’s schedule are released.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Ted Cruz is the only choice for President of this Great country, a very sincere, talented hard working man, no wonder the carrier politicians hate him for his talent and are jealous of this Gem of a guy. He has chosen the Very Best Cream of the Washington Crowd to help lead the country, knows how to get things done, just look at the way his campaign is so well organized, that’s the same way he will run our country ! !
    ************************************************************************With Carly Fiorina as our VP, surely would be the Very Best Team to help save our country ! ! ************************************************************************”‘Call unto Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things you do not know….I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal My people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.'”
    Praise the Lord Almighty, Amen.
    God’s Glory & Grace at its Very Best ! !
    American’s Prayers & Efforts have paid back, we won ! !
    Ted Cruz has emerged as the only strong conservative Presidential candidate capable to Lead America with a team of Top Leaders to help guide him ! ! !
    Ted Cruz for President of America 2016,
    Rising Tide Lifts All. We will cross the next Bridge when we get to it, together as united America ! !


    Multi Media tried their level Best by keep talking about the Play ground bully, want to shove down our throat who ever gives them $ $ $ and betray American Freedom and liberty ! ! Power hungry Media can’t be trusted, ever ! !

    American Patriotic Party, the party of Patriotic Americans, willing to serve America to protect it.

  2. “John Kasich will visit former Governor Christine Todd Whitman‘s home…”

    Will R00ney be there with his Establishment Kneepads on?

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