Newly-released 911 transcripts should embarrass this N.J. Democrat House candidate

The "challenged" Omar Mateen (left) and Peter Jacob (right)

When Omar Mateen waged jihad at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub on June 12th, Save Jerseyans, most Americans intuitively knew the gunman wasn’t just another nut.

Notable exceptions include Peter Jacob.


He’s the upstart NJ-07 Democrat challenger to Republican Congressman Leonard Lance; regular Save Jersey readers will recall how the disturbingly disconnected-from-reality Jacob vocally lamented that the mass murderer of 49 innocent souls was, in his opinion, an “individual who felt challenged by internalized homophobia and had easy access to weapons of mass destruction.

Not a typo. ‘Challenged.’

The "challenged" Omar Mateen (left) and Peter Jacob (right)
The “challenged” Omar Mateen (left) and Peter Jacob (right)

Someone who’s born blind or loses his or her spouse and needs to raise five children alone is rightly said to be challenged.

Terrorists aren’t challenged.

My patience, on the other hand, is certainly challenged by the Left’s stubborn unwillingness to admit the time of day.

TRIGGER WARNING: If all it’s still too hard to understand, then Mr. Jacob and his ilk should check one of this week’s under-reported stories.

newly-released transcript of one of Omar Mateen’s chilling calls, lodged during the Pulse nightclub massacre, features the murder declaring that his act was intended as revenge for the death of Abu Waheeb, an especially infamous member of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

“Yo, the airstrike that killed Abu Wahid [sic] a few weeks ago, that’s what triggered it, okay?” Mateen declared to an Orlando police negotiator. “They should have not bombed and killed Abu Wahid [sic].”

Waheeb’s notorious propaganda videos (featuring grisly executions) helped recruit sickos around the globe to ISIS’s cause including, apparently, ISIS supporter Omar Mateen.

Abu Waheeb

More and more ‘challenged’ Mateen clones are cropping up on a daily basis, most recently in Minnesota and Washington State. One of them terrorized New Jersey (and the Chelsea neighborhood of New York) before being captured a short drive from the district that Jacob would like represent.

The Minnesota killer’s weapon of choice? Knives.

New Jersey’s terrorist? Bombs.

The casualties? Men and women hailing from all walks of life.

Peter Jacob’s focus in the midst of the madness? Gay-bashing and gun control.

Some elections, better elections, are about ideas.

Election 2016 is shaping up to be a fight for survival, folks.

A contest between people who at least get the threat on one side and those who, like President Obama and Peter Jacob, are sincerely deluded enough to believe terrorism is America’s just deserts on the other.

Politicians who want to kill terrorists and politicians who want to make excuses for their murderous impulses.

Men like Leonard Lance who want to unite and rally Americans to fight back and men like Peter Jacob who actively divide Americans by, in this particular case, accusing one half of the country of being unredeemable bigots.

Still feel ‘challenged’ by your November 8th choice?

You’re not paying close enough attention.



Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.