Rutgers offers counseling for Trump traumatized students


Here they go again, Save Jerseyans.

Rutgers University, one of our nation’s most far-left institutions of higher (mis)education, is continuing its disturbing modern tradition of protecting one viewpoint (and shutting down dissent) in the wake of last week’s historic presidential election.

Rutgers President Robert Barchi is the familiar culprit-in-chief; Save Jersey has learned that he e-mailed students and faculty members this week to express his administration’s commitment to dialogue while simultaneously doing everything they can to handicap it.

“As President, I want to emphasize that Rutgers University stands together with all our students. No matter your political view, ethnicity, religious beliefs, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or nationality, you are first and foremost a Rutgers student, and you are owed our respect, our support, and our best efforts to keep you safe and secure as you express your opinions and pursue your studies,” Barchi explained.

So far so good, right? But what does he mean by “safe” in that last line?

“Our University is and must be a safe place for all people to live and learn – where students and others of all viewpoints may express their ideas with the full expectation that they will be heard and respected. Robust exchanges may not always be comfortable, but they must always be respectful,” he continued.

Okay. Sad that it needs to be said? Sure. But as you continue reading Barchi’s letter, you start to wonder whether his efforts to keep students ‘safe and secure’ is really aimed at fostering an honest exchange of ideas OR protecting students from being challenged.

After going on to explain how the university community won’t “tolerate hate speech” (a red flag, since we all know ‘hate speech’ is a blanket term for ‘dissent from liberal viewpoints’ in campus-speak), Barchi finally showed his cards.

Rutgers: Where Bigotry is OK if it's aimed at conservatives.
Rutgers: Where Bigotry is OK if it’s aimed at conservatives.

“Our chancellors have been providing opportunities for students to express themselves, to share their concerns publicly and to speak privately with professionals to answer personal or legal concerns that they may have,” the President infamous for blowing money on ‘diversity’ initiatives while tuition spikes elaborated. “Students who feel anxious or upset may always seek assistance from counseling professionals at the student health services locations in Camden <>, Newark <>, and New Brunswick <>. The Rutgers Law School operates an Immigrant Rights Clinic (located at the Center for Law and Justice, room 402A, in Newark; 973-353-5292) which can confidentially answer questions regarding immigration law or other concerns of undocumented students.”

HERE we are!

The hateful, pathetic admission.

Barchi and his flunkies don’t give a damn about honest debate and real learning; they want conservatives to quit challenging liberals and, when liberals nevertheless feel challenged despite the university’s best efforts to shut conservatives down, the publicly-subsidized university system will pay for “safe space“-style support instead of encouraging these kids to grow up.

Which types of support? There’s a list:

* We will protect student confidentiality and will not share private
information unless required by law or a court order. We expect all
persons associated with the University to protect student privacy
and confidentiality, as well.

* Rutgers police do not inquire into nor record the immigration status
of students or other persons unless a serious crime has been committed.

* Rutgers University does not use E-verify for any purposes other than
to comply with longstanding federal law regarding employment
eligibility. Immigration status is not a factor in student housing

Finally, you should be aware that US Immigration and Customs Enforcement
(ICE) policy characterizes colleges and universities, like Rutgers, as
“sensitive locations,” places where, in the normal course, enforcement
actions should not occur unless extraordinary circumstances exist.

Stiffing dissent.

Coddling students rather than encouraging them to question their own assumptions about the world.

Tax dollars enabling it all.

And to boot… a promise to disobey any attempts by the federal government (which has plenary power to create and enforce immigration policies) to enforce the rule of law.

Rutgers isn’t unique in these respects (a simple Google search reveals countless examples of colleges and professors treating Donald Trump’s victory like a major terror attack, excusing kids from class and supporting objective poor behavior).

New Jersey is will always be my chief concern, and I’ve said it before and I’m going to keep saying it until everyone wakes up: marginalizing conservatives is the last acceptable form of bigotry at Rutgers and other major American universities. Ask the student who recently got canned from the school paper for referring to illegal immigrants as… illegal immigrants.

If private individuals want to pay top dollar to put their kids at a 4+ year adult daycare facility? They can knock themselves out. As a property taxpayer, I’m sick and tired of subsidizing it. #CutThemOff



Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.