This deal’s getting worse all the time

It’s getting harder all the time to justify what Governor Chris Christie is doing with his remaining time in Trenton, Save Jerseyans.

The $300 million price tag for his recently-announced State House renovation project is annoying but, for those of us who are history nerds and lovers of state history, keeping our state capital building from crumbling or going up in flames is at least not a nakedly self-serving move.

Star Wars Christie
“This deal’s getting worse all the time…”

What is nakedly self-serving?

On Thursday, the Democrat-controlled state legislature will take up an Administration-backed measure to (1) increase government salaries for appointees and staff members in exchange for (2) relaxing ethics rules to permit the Governor to profit on a book while he’s still in office.

The same worst-in-the-nation tax state that can’t even pay for its ROADS without levying even-higher taxes can suddenly afford to hand out…. raises.

Why? Because they’re doing such a wonderful job??? Particularly when we already have one of the country’s most expensive legislatures?

Of course not. It’s a total quid pro quo. The Big Guy is apparently trying to cash out now that Donald Trump’s transition team has boxed him out of an official role in the incoming Trump Administration. You give our people more cash, we let you have a golden parachute in exchange. #SopranoState much?

There are compelling arguments for why ethics rules shouldn’t extend to book deals.

There is no compelling argument for the Faustian trade-off (more government spending – estimated at $10M) at a time when taxpayers continue to suffer and, thanks to this Governor and this legislature, pay more for gas every time they fill up.

Mea culpa, folks: I couldn’t be more disappointed in all of this, Save Jerseyans. Both the situation and the man himself. Can’t say I regret my vote in 2009 given that the alternative was a second term for Jon “M-F’n Global” Corzine, but I also can’t pretend I’m harboring any warm, sentimental feelings about it either. Not any longer.

Kudos to any Republican (or Democrat) who is willing to testify in committee or speak from the floor and propose that, as a condition for permitting a book deal, all profits will be dedicated to the Transportation Trust Fund. 


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.