Democrats Commemorate Trump’s Inauguration By Demanding Income Tax Disclosure for N.J. Ballot Access

Cory Booker (D-Twitter) has home state company in the classless opposition category this Inauguration Day, Save Jerseyans.

Check this out:

Assembly Democrats John McKeon and Troy Singleton rolled out legislation today which would bar presidential and vice presidential candidates from running on New Jersey’s state ballot UNLESS they disclose their tax returns (for the five most recent taxable years) to New Jersey’s Division of Elections within 50 days of the general election.

“Donald Trump has eschewed at least 40 years of tradition by refusing to release his tax returns, raising an untold number of questions and possible ethical dilemmas,” McKeon (D-Essex/Morris), the guy who no-shows debates, said in a statement. “Making the returns public would clear up any questions about whether a candidate is indebted to any foreign states or accepting any emoluments from them. This is an issue of national security as well as transparency. If Congress is unwilling to address this, hopefully other states will follow our lead.”

“Beyond simply the issue of transparency, there are many reasons why a presidential or vice presidential candidate should release their tax returns, reasons that can hold grave consequences for our nation,” added Singleton (D-Burlington), the same genius who invented a crime called ‘rape by fraud.’ “Voters deserve to be armed with the whole truth before they make such a weighty decision. Since the Republican leadership in Congress is unwilling to do anything about it, we will take matters into our own hands in New Jersey.”

President Trump’s tax returns have remained a controversial topic for over a year now. For obvious reasons.

Doing this? Today?

As petty as it is likely unconstitutional.

Consider the source, too (see the links above).


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.