GRADES ARE IN: AFP Flunks Gas Tax Hike Republicans on Newly-Released Scorecard

Americans for Prosperity’s New Jersey affiliate is releasing its annual legislative ratings today, Save Jerseyans, and we’ve learned that the biggest ratings changes related to Republican legislators who supported last October’s historic gas tax increase.

For example, State Senator Steven Oroho (R-24) from a “B” to an “F” this year; Assemblywoman Betty Lou DeCroce fell from an “A” to the “D” range. Both legislators strongly supported the gas tax hike and, perhaps uncoincidentally, both now face competitive GOP primary challenges this June.

“The gas tax hike hit families, commuters, business owners, and retirees. I personally spoke with many residents who were devastated by the hike at the pump,” said Erica Jedynak, the New Jersey State Director of Americans for Prosperity, in a statement to Save Jersey. “The NJ Chapter of Americans for Prosperity held countless rallies opposing the massive gas tax last year, lobbied lawmakers, and on all our issues – made over 250,000 voter contacts on the phone and at the door in 2016. The Scorecard reflects lawmakers’ votes on each of the gas tax hike votes, as well as their actual record on spending, regulation, and corporate welfare.”

Only 35 N.J. lawmakers (out of 120) scored better than an “F” grade.

You can click HERE to view the full scorecard.


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