Christie Signs Six New Bills Into Law

From today’s Trenton list:

S-260/ACS for A-452 (Connors, Van Drew/Mazzeo, Andrzejczak, Jimenez, Vainieri Huttle, Benson, Wimberly, Gove, Rumpf) – Requires reservation of portion of tenant vouchers under State rental assistance program for veterans

S-793/A-4474 (Sarlo, Cunningham/Jasey) – Prohibits president or other employee of public institution of higher education from taking final action on purchase of property unless prior notice is provided to institution’s governing board and general counsel and board approves action

S-2375/A-3961 (Sarlo, Kyrillos/Eustace, Kennedy) – Dissolves New Jersey Hall of Fame Advisory Commission and New Jersey Hall of Fame corporation and transfers their functions to Foundation for New Jersey Hall of Fame

A-34/S-2897 (Prieto, Singleton, Benson, Wimberly, Burzichelli, Jasey, Sumter/Sarlo, T. Kean) – Appropriates $34,293,697 from “Building Our Future Bond Act” and provides for reallocating amount remaining from project grants not awarded, for public and private institutions of higher education

A-1628/S-2777 (Rodriquez-Gregg, Howarth, Holley, Wimberly/Cruz-Perez, Van Drew) – Codifies DEP’s New Jersey Recycling Awards Program to annually recognize outstanding recycling achievements

A-4295/S-2852 (Muoio, Vainieri Huttle, Quijano/Sweeney, Beach) – Concerns emergency assistance which is repaid by the recipient



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