Goldberg Readies Second Run for U.S. Senate in 2018

Most of the N.J. political universe is presently focused on 2017, Save Jerseyans, but one New Jersey politician is already setting his sights on next year’s midterm cycle.

“Today, I am excited to announce that I am forming an Exploratory Campaign Committee to ‘test the waters’ for a run to oust Bob Menendez next year,” Republican Brian Goldberg told prospective supporters in a Thursday e-mail. “Over the next few months, I will be meeting with elected officials, party leaders and, most importantly, the grassroots supporters that would be the backbone of a successful campaign.”

Goldberg, general manager at Beyond Concrete and founder of The Empowerment PAC, ran and placed third in 2014’s low-budget Republican primary for the right to challenge U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-Twitter).

In 2018, the N.J. GOP faces U.S. Senator Bob Menendez who is currently under indictment but the veteran Democrat politico’s fundraising hasn’t suffered for it. Whether Menendez runs if he’s convicted in the interim may depend upon whether the U.S. Senate acts to expel him from the body.

Other names being floated in the (very) early going include GOP State Senator Tom Kean, Jr., son of former Gov. Tom Kean and the candidate who came within single digits of defeating Menendez back in 2006.

New Jersey voters haven’t elected a Republican to the U.S. Senate since Clifford Case in 1972.

The last Republican to serve New Jersey was Jeff Chiesa whose short tenure came about via appointment following the passing of Frank Lautenberg.


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