LETTER TO THE EDITOR: In LD26, Hank Lyon Can’t Be Bought By Special Interests

A famous American by the name of Paul Revere cried through the streets “The Red Coats are Coming! The Red Coats are Coming!”

Today a new battle cry can be heard in the streets during the LD26 assembly primary, and that cry is, “[t]he special interests are coming! The special interest are coming” For you see, Assemblywoman Betty Lou DeCroce is being bought by the special interests throughout the state, and it is high time you all become aware of it.

After reviewing the election report filing from the Assemblywoman, it appears that her loyalty is more aligned to the special interests that fund her campaign rather than the voters she represents. Over $40,000 has come into her campaign including a large percentage of donations from special interests hailing from across the state, and many of them are directly connected to the fight for passage of the gas tax last October as well as our state’s record-setting property taxes.

Assemblywoman DeCroce would have you believe that she’s a proven conservative that takes the fight to the liberals in Trenton, but her record shows she advocates more for special interest-backed schemes like the gas tax hike package, something conservatives fight hard against! At the Jefferson and Morris County Young Republicans Candidates night on May 4th, the Assemblywoman went so far as to announce to the crowd that she is proud of her gas tax vote and wouldn’t change a thing.

Remember her ‘pride’ each week when you go fill up your vehicle at the gas station.

Freeholder and Assembly candidate Hank Lyon is running his campaign with the help of friends and family who believe in true conservative principles. He has not taken any money from special interests and has a proven record of fighting for what is right in our county. He understands that voting for a 130% gas tax increase would not solve the underlying problem which is why he voted for a resolution in 2015 in opposition to the gas tax!

Having been at the freeholder board meetings, I’ve personally seen Freeholder Lyon working hard to make the apprenticeship program optional and supporting and stewarding an e-verify measure. Through his tireless work and strong communication skills, Freeholder Lyon got a big win for the taxpayers of Morris County. Freeholders Mastrangelo and Cesaro on the other hand showed support for the aforementioned apprenticeship plan, backed by the local unions, which would have made the apprenticeship program mandatory thereby making it incredibly difficult for non-union shops to do business on public works projects in Morris County. By fighting against the special interests lobbying for this program, Freeholder Lyon was looking out for our best interests. According to the county staff, project labor agreement costs would have increased around 30% if the original program was implemented, further increasing our taxes.

Lastly, instead of praising Freeholder Lyon for voting no on raising our 2017 county taxes, freeholders on the board and the assemblywoman are now attacking him; they’re claiming he’s showboating for the crowd.

They cannot offer a better argument than Freeholder Lyon so they attack him for being against a budget that would ask the taxpayers to pay more in Morris County. Again, I ask you when did Republicans become the party of higher taxes and more spending? Freeholder Lyon and his understanding of conservative governance demonstrate his understanding sound fiscal policy and how he will fight for the interests of his constituents in Trenton.

On June 6th, Vote Freeholder Hank Lyon for Assembly and tell the special interests that your vote can’t be bought.

Vincent La Iacona
26th Legislative District Constituent


Vincent La Iacona
About Vincent La Iacona 11 Articles
VINCENT LA IACONA is a scientist living in Morris County whose side interests include politics, philosophical discussions and all of the other prototypical geeky things.