BURNED BRIDGES: Post-sentencing, Wildstein ribs former ally Christie over his approval ratings

Chris Christie is getting it from all ends these days, Save Jerseyans, including from the so-called architect of the Bridgegate scandal that brought the New Jersey governor’s approval ratings down from the post-Sandy stratosphere into the political basement.

A little more than a week after his own sentencing in federal court, former Port Authority official, Livingston mayor and PolitickerNJ editor David Wildstein took to Twitter on Thursday and trolled his former boss and ally over his poor standing in the polls:

Holding a grudge? Defaulting to his pre-Port Authority commentator role? 

Some in Christie world will view the tweet as more than a little ironic given Wildstein’s central role in hobbling Christie’s public image through the Bridgegate scandal. 

Christie’s job approval rating presently hovers between the mid-20s and mid-teens depending upon the poll which is worse than Nixon’s int he final stages of his presidency (as Wildstein pointed out above). 

Wildstein got three years of probation for his role in the George Washington bridge lane closures in Fort Lee, New Jersey.

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