How many MS-13 members started out as co-called Dreamers?

Governor-elect Phil Murphy and outgoing Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno didn’t ever really disagree over the fate of so-called Dreamers, Save Jerseyans, the individuals who were brought into the United States illegally as minors but whom have grown up here and now demand citizenship as a matter of course.

That didn’t stop the then-Democrat candidate, his allies, and a complicit media from inexplicably branding the vanquished GOP nominee as some sort of horrible, awful racist for her TV ad invoking convicted MS-13-tied felon Jose Carranza. Since when is opposing illegal immigration “extreme”? Ask them; it was a revelation to me, too.

In any event, here’s an angle that was never explored…

How many ‘Dreamers’ end up filling MS-13’s ranks?

I’d suspect the percentage is a minority of that particular population, assuredly, but the raw number might surprise you.

The new evidence? Recently, ICE completed “Operation: Raging Bull” which was a nationwide round-up of 300 MS-13 gang members. Their respective immigration profiles are very, very interesting (h/t Free Beacon):

Among those arrested, 16 were citizens, while the other 198 were foreign nationals. Only five of the foreign nationals had legal status. Sixty-four of those crossed the border illegally as unaccompanied alien children, noted Derek Brenner, the acting executive associate director of HSI. HSI has arrested some 7,000 MS-13 members since 2005.

[Emphasis added.]

So 21% entered as unaccompanied children. They’re ‘Dreamers,’ folks.

Were any of the remaining 79% accompanied?

The point is that this small but significant sampling of the nation’s estimated 30,000 MS-13 members suggests that a LARGE percentage of MS-13 recruits could be Dreamers.

Now, does that mean we should round up every illegal alien under 18 and dump them into the Gulf of Mexico? Of course not. Anyone who suggests doing that, or suggests that we’re suggesting doing that, is a moron.

What is DOES mean is that Kim Guadagno’s fears of what Sanctuary Statehood could mean for New Jersey are validated by mountains of evidence, beyond the round-ups of illegals who’ve committed additional crimes already occurring on Garden State soil. The next Jose Carranza could be en route to Newark, or Trenton, or Cumberland County as we speak. Or he’s already here. In fact, it’s more than likely that he is. 

We warned you. Never say we didn’t.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.