Think #WalkoutWednesday is organic? Think again.

By Matt Rooney

Anyone who believes that most of these #WalkoutWednesday kids actually care about “gun control” – or even understand what it means, or why we have a 2nd Amendment in the first place – has clearly forgotten what it’s like to be 16.

At that age, Save Jerseyans? I would’ve rallied for broccoli to score a half day!

But rather than encourage an educational, even-handed, in-school debate about what to do to prevent future “mass” shootings (!), many of our public school administrators, teachers, and yes, outside agitators, are encouraging tokenistic behavior this afternoon that’s designed for the cameras and entirely unlikely to advance a meaningful dialogue. Many of these agitators are affiliated with Leftist organizations and groups. It’s not some sort of kooky conspiracy theory. Gun control groups are very publicly intervening in our schools

Here at home? In New Jersey?

Meet Burlington County’s Kent Pipes, a prolific “affordable housing” cheerleader based in Burlington County who’s affiliated with The Affordable Homes Group, Inc., which is “the largest county provider of permanent housing for the homeless“; he’s also an adjunct professor at Rowan University. Regular Save Jersey readers know that affordable housing is a big business in New Jersey, a business which is helping push all of our property tax burdens into the stratosphere.

A few weeks ago, as the Parkland-related gun control push ramped-up, Mr. Pipes took to Twitter and made a public, eyebrow-raising offer to students living in his South Jersey county:


I guess $1,000 is pocket change for an affordable housing tycoon?

It’s certainly anything BUT pocket change for a 17 year old kid hungry for gas money or a new i-Phone.

There’s no indication whether any kids took Pipes up on his offer to ditch classes in order to embarrass Congressman Tom MacArthur (R, NJ-03), a supporter of national concealed carry reciprocity legislation. Maybe something is still in the works for the 24th?

Pipes did report on social media Wednesday, however, in a public Facebook post, that he was going to attend one such rally:

Are the walkout kids truly “motivated to demonstrate for justice” in America?

Or are adults who should know better, both inside and outside of the classroom, working overtime to co-opt youthful ignorance and enthusiasm for political ends?

You decide, Save Jerseyans…

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8595 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.