Another Poll: Apathy for Phil Murphy at 37%

Phil Murphy

TRENTON, N.J. — At this point?

Ignorance is bliss for New Jersey voters. For now at least.

According to the results of a new Morning Consult survey, only 37% approve of Governor Phil Murphy (D-N.J.) while 33% disapprove.

However, a full 30% registered no opinion.

That’s the 14th worst net approval (approve vs. disapprove) of any U.S. governor in Morning Consult’s survey, and he’s tied for the 6th worst approval rating (37%) overall.

Click here to read the full report.

On Wednesday, a Monmouth University Poll pegged Murphy’s approval rating at 44% — better than his predecessors Chris Christie and Jon Corzine at this point in their respective terms — but also discovered that far fewer New Jerseyans were paying attention to Murphy and his budget than experienced by Christie or Corzine. 


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