ROONEY: “Nothing’s more important” than getting to the bottom of shocking NJEA videos

TRENTON, N.J. —  Save Jersey founder and editor-in-chief Matt Rooney joined the Chasing News A+ Panel on Monday to put a pending New Jersey State Senate investigation of the NJEA into perspective as shocking undercover videos released by Project Veritas continue to generate controversy throughout the Garden State.

Host Bill Spadea asked Matt if Senate President Steve Sweeney — a rival of the teachers union — deserves credit for planning the upcoming hearings.

“Oh absolutely. Look: we’re talking about children who may’ve been abused here,” Matt said. “First and foremost, if you’re a teacher, or if you’re a union you would hope represents teachers, is to keep the children safe when they’re at the school. If that’s not happening? I mean, what else should our legislators be focusing on? Nothing’s more important.”



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