Starting in February? Your newborn can have a genderless N.J. birth certificate.

TRENTON, N.J. — Come February 1st, Save Jerseyans? New Jersey will join California, Oregon, Washington, and New York City in offering gender “neutral” birth certificate elections.

Governor Phil Murphy signed the so-called “Babs Siperstein Bill” into law last July, but the measure takes full effect this February 1, 2019, permitting parents to choose (1) male, (2) female, or (3) a third “non-binary” identity option on their newborn child’s official birth certificate.

The new law doesn’t impact only newborns; adults will be able to alter birth and death certificates regardless of whether the individual has undergone a sex reassignment surgery.

Gender dysphoria (as it’s now known) remains highly controversial outside of deep blue states. Many experts contend that gender and biology are inextricably linked, making gender objective rather than subjective.

“There are real-world consequences to the deliberate rewriting of basic biology, and the substitution of subjectivity for objectivity. It means rewriting business operation, school curricula, medical treatment standards, censorship rules, and even parenting,” explained columnist Ben Shapiro in a November 2018 National Review column:

“Sympathy for those who suffer from gender dysphoria is obviously proper — no one wants transgender people harmed or targeted. But sympathy for a mental disorder should not trump either objective reality or competing priorities based on those objective realities. “The Emperor’s New Clothes” is not a story about the wonderful sensitivity of a population educated on the subjective desires of a ruler ensconced in sartorial self-definition. Falsehood crumbles in the light of day, no matter how sympathetic we are to those who wish to perpetuate it — unless force becomes the order of the day.”


Governor Murphy’s campaign to advance the transgender movement isn’t beginning (or ending) with birth certificates.

Back in fall 2018, his administration issues guidelines directing all New Jersey schools to recognize and acknowledge all students’ declared gender identities independent of parental input.


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