Green New Deal fails in Senate without a single ‘yea’ vote; Booker and Menendez vote ‘present’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s far-left ‘Green New Deal’ failed a U.S. Senate cloture vote on Tuesday evening without a single “yea” vote.

Cory Booker and Bob Menendez of New Jersey both voted “present” as did all but three Democrats members.


“Real leadership today would have been Mitch McConnell saying, ‘you know what, this is such a crisis, an existential crisis that my children and grandchildren will be dealing with it, that I’m going to form a select committee to deal with this crisis,’” Booker complained after the vote according to Roll Call.

Booker had endorsed the plan to end air travel, gut every U.S. building and eliminate beef during his ongoing presidential campaign.

The three Democrats who voted “nay” were Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), Joe Manchin (D-WV), and Doug Jones (D-AL).


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