NJ-07: Kean explains his take on Trump, the Mueller Report

TRENTON, N.J. – Tom Kean Jr. wants to go to Congress in January 2021.

Fair or not, his Democrat opponent and the Media would force President Trump into the race as the top issue in a hypothetical 2020 general election match-up. Where does the affable GOP state senate leader come down on the Donald?


Kean recently spoke to NJTV about his 7th Congressional District campaign to challenge Tom Malinowski (which he kicked  off shortly before Easter) and the Trumpster, too.

“This is a race about the people’s House. Not about the White House,” Kean told NJTV. “There are things on which I agree with the president on — obviously is economic growth. He’s helped veterans in ways none of his predecessors have. He focused on international trade and a number of other fronts, he’s been a real standard bearer in those regards. On other issues like some of the 4 a.m. tweets on the SALT issue, on the Gateway Project — I do disagree.”

What about the Mueller Report?

“There was no collusion. But, the underlying issue is this: since 2014 President Obama and others knew that there was Russian attempts to hijack our elections. And one of the things you see from a national security perspective is whether it’s our family bank accounts, whether it’s corporations or whether it’s the security of our elections — we’ve got people in the international sphere who are trying to disrupt our way of life,” added Kean.

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