REPORT: Additional corrupt ex-officials discovered working public jobs

TRENTON, N.J. – The Associated Press is reporting that the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office has discovered at least three more ex-officials convicted of crimes working in public jobs.

According to the AP, “[t]wo were former school board members in southern New Jersey, and the third was a court administrator in Paterson. They ended up pleading guilty to federal crimes in 2007 for helping solicit and taking bribes, served time and were released from prison.”


Click here for the full AP story.

Last year, a scandal erupted after the Murphy Administration added former Passaic City Councilman Marcellus Jackson to its payroll; Jackson had done jail time after accepting $26,000 in bribes as payment for influencing the fate of public insurance contracts.

Hiring public officials convicted of crimes is supposed to be prohibited by state law.


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