NJ-07: Kean slams Malinowski for sponsoring anti-independent contractor bill

Senate GOP Leader Tom Kean, Jr.

WESTFIELD, N.J. – Tom Kean Jr. took direct aim at freshman Rep. Tom Malinowski (D, NJ-07) on Thursday evening after the freshman Democrat helped pass the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act (HR-2474). 

One of the Big Labor-backed bill’s more controversial provisions: language making it extremely difficult to classify workers as independent contractors. House Democrats’ scam should sound familiar to New Jerseyans.

“Tonight, Tom Malinowski proved again that he does not understand the local economies in the communities he represents,” said Senator Kean on Thursday evening after the vote. “This district deserves a Representative that will champion their interests rather than one who is completely beholden to partisan leaders in D.C. like Nancy Pelosi.”

The Left’s war on the so-called “gig economy” extends beyond rideshare companies to almost every industry.

“It is hard enough for families to afford to live in New Jersey. The last thing we need is more job killing legislation that will weigh on small business owners and take away an individual’s ability innovatively and freely earn an income. My district office phone rang off the hook with hard-working people scared for their futures when this bill was heard in Trenton,” added Kean, citing Trenton Democrats’ anti-independent contractor legislation which was paused following an uproar from business groups and independent contractors of all party affiliations. “Whether you are a delivery driver, freelance journalist, ride-share driver, home health worker, photographer or any of the endless professions impacted by this legislation, as my constituent, you can always count on me to put you first and stand up for your right to provide for your family.”

Kean is the presumptive GOP nominee to challenge Malinowski this November.

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