By Nick De Gregorio
In 2018, Mikie Sherrill was elected to Congress on a campaign that touted her military credentials. Many of us assumed that as a veteran, she would be our greatest advocate on Capitol Hill.
Sadly, that has not been the case.
In her first term, Ms. Sherrill failed to draft a single bill to advance the legislative priorities of veterans.
Instead of fighting for us, it seems the Congresswoman has spent her time playing partisan politics. She has voted with Nancy Pelosi 98% of the time. Her vocal support of impeachment was a distraction that widened the dangerous divide we are all feeling in our country right now.
The candidate we were promised is not the representative we received.
This November, Mikie Sherrill will be a candidate again and we will have a choice. As veterans, we have a responsibility to elect those who we feel will truly fight to ensure our government provides all veterans the services we were guaranteed when we signed a contract to put our lives on the line.

I believe Rosemary Becchi is that person.
Rosemary is tough on national security. She is committed to reducing our national deficit without dangerously slashing a defense budget that ensures our troops have the equipment they need fight our nation’s enemies and return home safely to their families.
Rosemary is committed to ensuring the VA eliminates outdated eligibility restrictions for medical, education, and employment benefits. She believes the VA must broaden its definition of presumptive conditions to ensure all veterans exposed to toxins and blasts are entitled to see a doctor. In addition, Rosemary believes access to vocational programs should not be limited by time, but offered to veterans for as long as they need to successfully transition into the civilian workforce.
These are not contentious issues, and yet they remain unresolved for veterans. Rosemary knows we can and must do better.
If you agree, please consider joining Veterans for Becchi. Rosemary needs our support. If we want a champion in Congress who will actively fight for the issues that impact our lives, then we need to come together and let our voice be heard in support of Rosemary Becchi in New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District.
NICK DE GREGORIO served nine years as a Marine Corps infantry officer and is a veteran of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is a recent graduate of Georgetown University’s MBA and international relations programs. A Bergen County native, Nick lives with his wife Emily in Fair Lawn. Nick is the chairman of Veterans for Becchi.