NOT A JOKE: Biden taps disgraced N.J. MVC chief for Department of Defense!

Of all the craziness that’s transpired over the past year, Save Jerseyans, I think this one takes the cake.

Sue Fulton of the MVC might be headed to the U.S. Department of Defense.

Yes, you read that correctly. 

“President Biden has made a tremendous choice in his nomination of Sue Fulton to serve our nation as Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs,” said Phil Murphy on Friday. “Our nation needs leaders who understand our global challenges and have the skills to empower and inspire our men and women in uniform. Sue has been a trailblazer since her days as part of the first West Point class to include women and, as a member of my Cabinet, I have relied upon her clear, calm, and flexible approach to serving the needs of millions of New Jerseyans during one of the most challenging times in memory. I know she will be the capable partner President Biden needs working alongside Secretary Austin at the Pentagon.”

It’s a bad joke, Save Jerseyans. I thought it was a mistake when I first saw the headline. Talk about failing upwards.

An MVC line in West Deptford (August 2020)


As MVC Chief Administrator under Phil Murphy, Fulton has presided over an agency-wide melton. Motorists can’t even get appointments. It’s been a complete disaster since the MVC reopened last July, one which is hard to miss from a simple Google search. If you’re like me? You’ve experienced the mess first hand.

How is someone who can’t run the motor vehicle commission supposed to help run the U.S. military?

Your second question may be “how can this happen.” My response: come on. You know the answer without even asking. What Fulton lacks in the competency department she makes up for on the ideological side of the ledger. She’s an outspoken LGBTQ activist and just recently rolled out a gender-neutral license option. The MVC is about to roll out licenses for illegal aliens, too.

You and I don’t care “who someone loves,” folks. We care about whether they can do the assigned job.

Biden/Murphy ONLY care about the politics. It shows in the results we’re getting from Murphy in Trenton, and Joe Biden is presently taking the Murphy model national.

Are you angry yet?

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.