APP: Rooney says he’ll personally back a challenger to GOP mayor endorsing Murphy

Seaside Mayor Tony Vas, a Republican, endorsed Phil Murphy his month.

Save Jersey founder and editor Matt Rooney says he’ll back a Republican willing to challenge Vas, and Rooney’s challenge was highlighted by The Asbury Park Press:

Republican Mayor Anthony E. Vaz said his reason for endorsing  Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy’s re-election bid is simple: the governor “supports our community.”

“It’s no secret that I am a conservative Republican and he is a progressive Democrat,” Vaz said.

Vaz’s endorsement drew the scorn of Matt Rooney, editor of the conservative news blog Save Jersey, who sent out a tweet saying he’ll support any Republican who “wants to step up and challenge” the mayor in the 2023 GOP primary.

Vaz declined to comment on Rooney’s statement.

 Click here to read the full story.

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