Spartacus returns! And makes an ass out of himself during a #DefundPolice Senate debate.

Democrats are in FULL RETREAT on the “Defund the Police” issue, Save Jerseyans, in case you haven’t noticed. Every poll shows it’s a loser with all but the woke-iest voters, and with the 2022 Midterms already taking on an ominous hue for the majority party, the party that cheered on nationwide riots last summer (including Booker, who called the often violent protests “a moment of profound possibility”) suddenly LOVES “the Blue” and stands ready to defend their funding! It’s a miracle. 

So on Tuesday evening, when Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) proposed an amendment to end federal funding for any U.S. municipality which defunds their local police, the artist formerly known as Spartacus (Cory Booker, D-Twitter) decided to try one more time for the Oscar he didn’t win during the Kavanaugh hearings.

Here’s the transcript of Booker’s performance:

Madam President! I am so excited! This is perhaps the highlight of this long and painful and torturous night. This is a gift. If it wasn’t [a] complete abdication of Senate procedures and esteem, I would walk over there and hug my colleague from Alabama.

And I will tell you right now, thank God, because there are some people who’ve said that there are members of this deliberative body that want to defund the police, to my horror. And now, this senator has given us the gift of finally, once and for all we can put to bed this scurrilous accusation that somebody in this great esteemed body would wanna defend the police.

So let’s all us – a hundred people – not walk, but sashay down there and vote for this amendment and put to rest the lies that I am sure I will see no political ads attacking anybody here over defund the police. And I would ask unanimous consent to add something else to this obvious bill. Can we add also that every senator here wants to us to fund the police, believe in God, country, and apple pie?

Ironically on that “God” point… Booker was co-chair of the 2012 Democrat convention platform committee that omitted reference to the Almight by “error.”

Spoiler alert: the amendment passed 99-0.

Watch below:

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.