A lot of people receive their just desserts on Tuesday, Save Jerseyans, one of whom was State Senate President Steve Sweeney. You know the story by now: the top legislative Democrat laid down for Murphy’s mandates only to be defeated by a truck driver (Edward Durr) with no real campaign budget.
Sweeney continues to reap what he’s sown; on Monday morning, he presided over the swearing in of State Senator Vince Polistina (R-2) who was elected last Tuesday.
Why was Vince sworn in today?
As you may recall, the former Assemblyman was chosen to fill the vacancy left by Republican Chris Brown who declined to seek reelection in favor of accepting a role with the Murphy Administration.
A GOP District committee followed the rules and selected Polistina as Brown’s successor. A judge administered the oath of office. Sweeney – refusing to give a major Democrat 2021 electoral target the full benefit of incumbency – refused to swear him in and in so doing denied Polistina access to certain services. His constituents suffered for not having a state senator, and the situation dragged on for months.
No more.
Sweeney will need to find a new job come January. Polistina and two other new GOP senators (Stanfield and Durr) will begin their new terms in a Senate run by someone who isn’t Sweeney.
We don’t see a lot of justice in Trenton, Save Jerseyans, so when we do? It’s extra sweet.