The Third Congressional District is in the shadow of Philadelphia where unfortunately one of America’s worst District Attorneys, Larry ‘Let ‘em Go’ Krasner, presides.
DA Krasner and our Congressman Andy Kim could be described as ‘co-conspirators’ on crime issues having both taken tens of thousands of dollars from George Soros who has notoriously pushed no bail laws, the elimination of qualified immunity for police officers and other initiatives that make more difficult the prosecution of criminals.
According to a Philadelphia Inquirer article, George Soros gave millions to Krasner’s 2017 DA campaign and was characterized ‘as a ‘wrecking ball’ that demolished the election in Larry Krasner’s favor.’
Since 2017, Congressman Kim has taken $17,700 from members of the Soros family directly, including a max-out donation during the 2020 cycle from George Soros himself.
Worse still, one of the first things Andy Kim did upon getting elected to Congress was enthusiastically join the House Progressive Caucus, the most extreme, radical House Democrats who continue to push the dangerous ‘defund the police’ concept.
In 2020, Kim voted to eliminate qualified immunity for police which the Chiefs of Police Association said, ‘would have a profoundly chilling effect on police officers and limit their ability and willingness to respond to critical incidents without hesitation.’
We have now all witnessed the effects of the Krasner-Kim naïve approach to law enforcement where the murder rate in Philadelphia is at all-time high and violent crime across America’s urban centers spirals out of control.
If Andy Kim was truly ‘working for the Third District’ as he claims, the Congressman would disavow his association with the ‘defund the police’ crowd and also resign from the House Progressive Caucus.
Bob Healey is a Burlington County business owner and the 2022 Republican nominee for Congress in NJ-03.