VIDEO: Christie claims Trump “failed us” to silent crowd in N.H. 2024 pitch preview

He’s at 1% in the latest New Hampshire poll despite being one of the nation’s most recognizable politicians, but Chris Christie continued to work on his media career (vis-à-vis 2024 campaign activity) on Thursday at New England College. He continued to repeat anti-Trump and anti-DeSantis talking points that are infinitely more popular with his fellow ABC commentators than Republican primary goers.

He also previewed what Christie 2024’s stump is likely to sound like.

More or less, it’s a pitch designed to reinforce his place on ABC’s Sunday morning program. There isn’t much in there for a base GOP voter because, despite what he may tell you, he has low confidence of ultimate victory (at least in the present environment).

Christie (watch/listen below) drilled down on the theme of Trump having allegedly “failed us” in his first term “based upon what he himself told us he would do in 2015 and 2016 told us he would do if he became president.”

The Border Wall. Immigration generally. Repealing Obamacare. Draining the Swamp. Election fraud claims and the January 6th affair. Interestingly, the one thing that many base Republicans DO think Trump fucked up (empowering Fauci and validating many of the Covid-19 panic emergency measures and talking points) didn’t come up anywhere in Christie’s remarks since Christie himself was major proponent of masking, going as far as to cut a pro-mask PSA. Christie did invoke school choice but, again, the reason why that issue is rising in popularity is the Covid-19 lockdown experience which Christie hasn’t vocally criticized. He also did next to nothing for school choice in New Jersey other than back charter schools tied to political allies.

The ex-New Jersey Governor also explicitly dismissed the concerns of at least 55% of Republicans (according to a brand new poll) who believe fighting woke is the domestic challenge of our time.

“And elites in both parties are wasting time debating about pronouns and Mickey Mouse,” Christie said, taking a clear shot at Florida’s governor. “That’s what we’re left to day. That’s the world Donald Trump created for us through our leadership or lack of leadership.”

Tellingly, the crowd was largely silent. He pulled a few chuckles at the end when he asked the crowd to imagine him playing Hillary Clinton during 2016 debate prep sessions, but that was the extent of the mirth.

Is this a guy who’s serious about winning New Hampshire or anywhere else in 2024? Or is he wasting primary participants’ time with a pitch that isn’t even primarily intended for their ears?

Is he talking to primary voters? Or ABC executives?

Watch for yourself below and draw your own conclusion:

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.