The winds of change continue to blow in from off the Jersey coast, Save Jerseyans, and it could have a profound impact on this November’s legislative elections. New survey results released this week by the William J. Hughes Center for Public Policy at Stockton University show a dramatic decrease in support for offshore wind projects across the Garden State.
“More state residents support the wind farms than oppose them, with 50% in favor of New Jersey plans to build wind turbines at sea to generate electricity and 33% opposed. Sixteen percent were unsure,” the pollsters reported before adding that “[t]he results reflect a drop of 30 percentage points from the findings of a September 2019 Stockton Poll that asked an identical question.”
A full 80% supported the projects back in 2019.
The change is equally dramatic at the Jersey Shore where the turbines are deeply unpopular.
“Four years ago, 77% of residents living in areas that border the ocean or a bay supported offshore wind turbines,” Stockton continued. “Only 33% of coastal area respondents favor such construction in the poll released today by the William J. Hughes Center for Public Policy at Stockton University.”
While the projects are still “above water” statewide in the court of public opinion, “48% opposed giving tax breaks to companies building the wind turbines, with 39% in support and 12% unsure.” That’s significant since some Election 2023 battleground Democrats – notably LD4’s Paul Moriarity – where major supporters of the recent billion-dollar bailout for foreign-owned wind developer Orsted. Three other critical battlegrounds (LD2, LD11, and LD30) are situated along the coast where support for offshore wind appears to be at the bottom of the ocean floor.
Stockton’s survey has a margin of error of +/- 4.0% points.
Click here for the full results.