Vouchers Save Kids & Tax Dollars!

New Study: School Vouchers Net Taxpayers $1.62 for Every $1 Allotted

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

School LunchesWe’ve talked a lot in recent years about the alarming level of waste in public education, Save Jerseyans. Frankly, I wouldn’t even give as much of a damn if we were getting a return on our dollar. But we’re not.

Are you ready for a better investment that helps both students AND your bottom line? The results of a new study discovered a profitable surprise for taxpayers derived from the District of Columbia’s voucher program (h/t ChoiceMedia):

This new review of the OSP’s cost effectiveness was conducted by Patrick Wolf, a professor of education reform at the University of Arkansas and Michael McShane with the American Enterprise Institute and also with the department of education reform at the University of Arkansas.

The two based their analysis on data provided from the official U.S. Department of Education evaluation of the program.

The numbers, says McShane, make it very clear: true school choice pays off.

There was a total benefit of about $183 million dollars because there are about 420 graduates walking on the streets of our nation’s capital because of this program that wouldn’t been there otherwise. And because the program only cost about $70 million to execute, we saw a benefit of about $2.62 for every dollar that was spent on the program.

Imagine how much New Jersey’s taxpayers could save if the Trenton Democrats would finally move on the forever-languishing Opportunity Scholarship Act? As this study’s results make plain for all, school choice policies are a profitable investment for everyone involved.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.