New Q Poll Suggests New Jersey Voters Have a Sinking Opinion of Their Embattled Senator
By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
Last week I wondered aloud “what was wrong with you people” when a Monmouth Poll found very little public engagement with the serious allegations facing Bob Menendez. It was very disappointing stuff, Save Jerseyans!
Well, maybe this latest batch of Quinnipiac poll results indicates that that’s starting to change?
New Jersey voters disapprove 41 – 36 percent of the job U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez is doing, a 15-point drop in less than a month, and say 44 – 28 percent that he is not honest and trustworthy, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.
Today’s approval rating is down from a 51 – 33 percent score in a January 23 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University and is his lowest score since August, 2011 when he had a negative 39 – 42 percent approval rating.”
Hashing out which poll more accurately reflects voters’ mood may not matter. Unfortunately for the cause of good government, Senator Menendez has thus far received the support of national Democrat leaders who fully recognize that he’s (1) six years from another election (2) in a blue state. Translation: they think he can ride this scandal out barring a surprise development. But with numbers this ugly from Quinnipiac, we might have a different story to report today were Menendez up for reelection in 2014 instead of 2018; then you could expect to see another Torch-Lautenberg switcheroo at the 11th hour.
And speaking of 2014, Quinnipiac looked at hypothetical U.S. Senate fight for Frank Lautenberg’s open seat and found that “Newark Mayor Cory Booker, the Democrat, leads TV personality Geraldo Rivera, the Republican, 59 – 23 percent. Republicans back Rivera 54 – 23 percent, while Booker leads all other political, gender, income, age and regional groups in the state.” Rivera, who recently expressed interest in a run, can’t blame name recognition for his numbers. He nevertheless faces a “Buono-esque” polling gap (yeah, I coined that!) between himself and the frontrunner.
Click here to read the full polling report and data tables.
It only takes the ignorant three or four times to touch a hot stove to figure out that it was a bad move.
When it starts to hit home, that is when people start opening their eyes. Menendez didn't just start being Menendez. He has had the intimate relationship with Mainstream Media to create a blackout on his black and blue record.. Thank God for Truthful News Organizations..
Wow — they waited to pay attention until after they voted for him. Sort of like "you have to pass the bill to find out what's in it."
About F'n Time (y)
Too late now. And six years from now his sins will be long forgotten. Sadly the number of intelligent voters is directly proportional to the number of honest politicians. And that is not a good thing.
Geraldo Rivera would be the type of choice that gives Republicans a compelling reason to not vote for our own candidate
wise up…in NJ? Please. it's been a machine state forever and will always be that way. Particularly Hudson and Essex….
This is the problem with low-information voters casting a straight party ticket vote. I used to be one of those, until I began hating the very candidate I had voted for. It's surprisingly easy to educate oneself.