N.J. Dem Pitches Mileage Tax

Senate Bill Would Significantly Increase New Jersey Commuter Expenses

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Turnpike_splitThis one is a stretch even for Trenton Democrats, Save Jerseyans.

And that’s really saying something…

Senator Jim Whelan (D-Atlantic) is pushing new legislation (S2531) which would — drum roll, please — impose a brand new “mileage-based fee on passenger vehicles.”

There’s so many obvious problems with this idea it’s not even funny. For starters, it has the potential to discourage the purchase of fuel efficient cars. I thought liberals liked green vehicles? So why tax’em at the same rate as a Hummer SUV?

It’s going to hurt your wallet, too. Break it down: right now, the average New Jersey motorist pays about $78.30 per year. given that his bill proposal would create a 0.83906  cents per mile tax, and considering that the Department of Transportation estimates the average American travels approximately 13,476 miles per year, Sen. Whelan’s new mileage tax could cost an average New Jersey motorist $113.07 per year.

That’s 44% more per year than the New Jersey currently charges for taxes and fees for each gallon of purchased gasoline (a cost which Sen. Whelan’s bill would supplant).

“It’s our region’s hard working middle class families and citizens that will lead our economic rebound and growth,” said Whelan’s November challenger, GOP Sheriff Frank Balles. “It’s disappointing — and frustrating — that Senator Whelan would propose tax hikes on the everyday items that our citizens purchase. Making it more expensive for a person to get to work or for a mother to feed her family will not help our hard-working citizens — it will make life more difficult for them, prolonging this far-too long economic downturn and preventing our region from moving forward. We need fresh leadership, fresh ideas, and someone who won’t tax grocery bags or car miles to get to work. As your next Senator, I’ll be a leader in Trenton to work with Gov. Christie and our Assemblymen to create jobs through sustainable private-sector growth.”

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. As a replacement for the gas tax, it makes a lot of sense. Those who drive the most miles should pay the most for the roads, even those driving electric/hybrid vehicles. Road maintenance costs are not reduced through the use of alternative fuels. The problem with the proposal that I see is that there is no difference allowed for gross vehicle weight. There really should be a formula based on the weight of the vehicle x the number of miles driven to arrive at the proper tax amount.

  2. So basically you are penalized for what job you have. So deliveries will cost more, drive up retail prices. Small places that offer a delivery service may stop it and cut jobs. The tax will amount to a pay cut for those who travel more, giving less $ to spend. People will be less likely to drive for a vacation, less spending again. Typical genius, have no concept of the consequences. There is never enough $ for road maintenance because it is misused or stolen.

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