Another Day, Another Dem Defection

Political Reactions to Papal Election Speak Volumes

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

DonkeyThe African American Democrat Mayor of Chesilhurst, one of New Jersey’s least-populous municipalities down in Camden County, is backing Chris Christie over Barbara “Buckle Up” Buono in 2013.

Mayor Michael Blunt was joined by Governor Christie and his campaign team on Wednesday in his town of 1,634 residents for the announcement. And while both men exchanged rhetorical pleasantries, Blunt stressed that his decision to support Christie’s reelection wasn’t ideological:

As a long-time Democrat and proud Obama supporter, endorsing a Republican candidate is not something that comes naturally. But it’s an honor to stand here today with a Governor who has demonstrated real leadership by putting aside partisan politics to move New Jersey forward, particularly after Superstorm  Sandy.”

Chesilhurst is deep blue territory in one of the Garden State’s bluest county, Save Jerseyans. Jon Corzine got 71.4% of the vote there in 2009; Barack Obama prevailed over Romney by 66-points last November. It doesn’t take a pollster’s pedigree to predict Chris Christie is going to improve substantially over ’09 this time around.

Mayor Blunt is not alone. Apparently he’s legion. A growing list of Democrat mayors – notably Dina Long of Sea Bright and the newly-minted “R” David Stahl of East Brunswick – over Buono. Again… there’s a reason why she was the back up plan, folk! You’re seeing it play out before your eyes.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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