NJ Dream Act Will Exclude Private Schools

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

school busesI don’t like to dance around the obvious on this site, Save Jerseyans.

Democrats want to liberalize immigration laws precisely because they think it will result in a windfall of new Democrat voters. They’ve been pushing it for as long as we’ve been covering politics at Save Jersey and long before that, too, and the arguments for amnesty are so contrived that only the most ardent partisans and ignorant voters can’t recognize their plans for what they really and truly represent… a massive voter registration drive financed by the U.S. taxpayer.

Here’s the latest example: a state version of the federal “dream act” was working its way through the Assembly last week but it hit a snag today according to Matt Friedman; unsurprisingly, Friedman reports that Democrats in marginal legislative districts don’t want to vote on the controversial measure before the November general election.

One particular provision of this poorly-constructed bill would’ve permitted illegal immigrants attending New Jersey private schools to receive in-state tuition! That section is now being revisited by the bill’s sponsor, Assemblyman Gordon Johnson (D-Bergen), with the intent to restrict in-state tuition rate breaks ONLY to illegals attending public school.

Hold the phone, folks! The legislation stunk in its original form primarily owing to the fact that it will make New Jersey an even bigger magnet for illegal immigration. It’s a bad idea for everyone involved. The one thing that could make it worse? Excluding illegal immigrant families who are at least God-fearing and hardworking enough to put their kids through a Catholic or otherwise affiliated private school. And you thought Barack Obama was the only Democrat who hated Catholic schools…

Call Assemblyman Gordon Johnson (D-Bergen) (click here) today, Save Jerseyans, and tell him that if he’s going to waste your money, then you’d at least like him to waste it in a way that doesn’t discriminate against families working hard to attend some of our state’s finest educational institutions!

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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