New Record! Booker Takes 3rd Position on Syria in One Week

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Booker Snap ChallengeWhat the heck is wrong with this guy, Save Jerseyans??

Let’s review; it isn’t hard to follow:

Position #1: Last Wednesday, 8/28/13, Newark’s part-time YouTube celebrity/mayor/socialite/SNAP chef/friend of Oprah Cory Booker (D-Twitter) told HuffPost Live that the U.S. “should not be going to war” or “unleashing missiles” in Syria. No ambiguity there.

Position #2: Mere days later, on Saturday 8/31/13, Booker reversed himself and deferred to POTUS, stating that “[a]s part of the process of working with Congress, I expect that the president will clearly delineate what the strategic objectives are, and what limited military action will specifically achieve in Syria.”

Position #3: Today, Wednesday 9/4/13, he told PolitickerNJ that he has “a lot of thoughts about Syria but now is not the time.”

When would be a good time, Mr. Mayor? When we’ve already voted? Or when the war is over?

Three positions, folks. In one week. Clearly against military strikes on Wednesday, deferential and uncommitted by Saturday, then completely unwilling to even discuss the most consequential decision (authorizing war) that could possibly face any member of Congress.

Remarkable… even John Kerry couldn’t go in three directions at once while windsurfing!

But what did you really expect? The schoolyard bully who pulls Booker’s strings isn’t any more principled. President Obama told the press today that he never set a “red line” concerning Syria and the use of chemical weapons despite the fact that we have video of him explicitly declaring a “red line.”!

This is what happens when you have a lapdog media, Save Jerseyans. Politicians like Obama and Booker not only feel as if they have a license to lie, but they don’t even feel it’s necessary to lie well.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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