Colorado’s Recall: Bad News for Sweeney?

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog


Most of you are presently fixated on events both here in New Jersey and over on the Syrian border, Save Jerseyans, but the Second Amendment enthusiasts in our audience have been paying very close attention to two state senate recall elections approximately 1,800 miles away in beautiful Colorado.

On Tuesday, voters ousted Colorado Senate President John Morse (D) and state Senator Angela Giron (D) after the pair spearheaded new gun control legislation.

Is any of this sounding familiar? It should, at least a little bit…

There are differences between our own Senate President Steve Sweeney’s district and the one lost by Colorado’s Morse. There are no mountains in uniformly-flat South Jersey for starters.

The biggest difference is actually tactical; neither the NJ GOP nor the campaigns themselves – including the LD3 GOP campaign of challenger Niki Trunk – have made any hay of Sweeney’s betrayal of his former gun rights supporters. You won’t find anything about it on her website. And, as we all know, the top of the ticket’s posture on the issue is centrist and muted.

With that being said, Second Amendment supporters are unhesitatingly rallying behind the gallant Trunk and against the incumbent Sweeney in a district that is largely rural, pro-gun and, significantly, one which only remained in the powerful labor-backed Democrat’s hands by a small margin last time around the block; a relatively modest 5.61% vote swing would’ve ended the Senate President’s political career.

NJ2AS President Frank Fiamingo has declared Trunk the “clear choice” for his members. Sweeney will be very well-funded to be sure (he reportedly raised $250k for N.J. Dem Senate races this week in LA), but will he be well-funded enough to withstand a 20 or 30-point Christie win in his home district?

And by the way… the triumphant Colorado GOP challengers were outspent 7-to-1.

I’m not a betting man, but beating Steve Sweeney in 2013 isn’t quite as tough as moving mountains. Not this year. The rest is up to you, Save Jerseyans. A Colorado-style voter revolt must come from the bottom-up. Get busy if you’d like a New Jersey repeat.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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  1. UPDATE: #2A activists move forward with attempt to recall Sweeney | The Save Jersey Blog

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