Much Ado (And Money) About Nothing

Chris Christie

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Christie ConfusedHe’s the GOP frontrunner two years out from the first primaries, so it’s not the least bit surprising that the DNC and its allies are already throwing everything including the kitchen sink at Governor Chris Christie.

The latest flying kitchen appliance’s trajectory? An accusation that the Christie Administration is deliberately sitting on $7.6 million in federal cash designated for Obamacare advertising.

These people are living in a fantasy world, Save Jerseyans!

Let’s assume for a moment that Governor Christie is intentionally attempting to undermine Obamacare’s enrollment drive (which, at last count, yielded only 742 prospective buyers to the 800,000+ who are losing their preexisting plans).

So what? It wouldn’t matter…

As per usual, the media is asking the wrong question, or at least in part.

A much better inquiry: would more people enroll at if the State of New Jersey spent $7, 8 or 28 million tomorrow telling them to buy something they don’t want?

And therein lies the rub, my friends! Remember: our liberal friends mean well but they don’t believe in the free market. They know how to run YOUR life better than you do, so rather than let individuals decide which products they’d prefer to consume with their own money, our liberal central planners want to coerce you into purchasing what THEY think you need.

So in this instance, they’ve gone ahead and mandated not only that you must purchase health insurance (thanks, John Roberts), but they also highly regulated the types of plans which you are permitted to purchase AND, in so doing, broke their promise that you could keep your current plan.

The problem? Again, no one wants to buy a product that’s (1) more expensive than the old product, largely because (2) it’s full of stuff that the consumer doesn’t want to purchase.

Is advertising likely to overcome this most basic of human behavioral phenomena? Not likely, particularly since the ads have ranged from perverse to completely inane. Consider the case of Arkansas, a state that spent $4 million on Obamacare ads as of the end of October 2013 and, according to recent reports, those parties responsible for the marketing were lobbying for a bigger budget.

How many Arkansas residents signed up for accounts on as of the end of October?

250, Save Jerseyans.

That’s $16,000 per prospective buyer for the benefit of those of you who learned mathematics in an Abbott District public school.

You’re going to need to face it sooner rather than later, liberals: no one wants what the (Un)affordable Care Act is selling!

That’s not Chris Christie’s problem, it’s certainly not my problem, and even though you always seem to think it will in every context, throwing more money at Obamacare won’t change a damn thing. Exactly how much public money would you like Governor Christie or any other elected official to flush down the toilet until you’re satisfied?

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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