Bridgegate Friday Doc Dump

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Occupy Trenton, Occupy Wall streetAs promised, the Assembly Transportation Committee has “dumped” pdf versions of 900 documents online, Save Jerseyans, all related to the legislature’s Bridgegate investigation, in addition to a transcription of the hearing itself.

Click here and have fun:

And here are the emails if you need more to reference.

Full text of transcribed hearing:  hearing appendix:
  exhibit A
  exhibit B
  exhibit C
  exhibit D
  exhibit E
  exhibit F
  exhibit G
Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. So, is there a smoking gun implicating the Governor? If not, will the haters without any proof apologize? Hopefully ti won't take the weekend to find out. After all, this isn't like Benghazi, IRS targeting, Fast & Furious, ect 🙂

  2. This is reminiscent of the Sarah Palin emails of a few years ago. I believe it was the Times or Msnbc who spent eons going over them with a fine tooth comb, hoping to find anything that could taint her reputation. And when they couldn’t they still went after her full speed ahead. I can see the same thing happening here. The left is absolutely terrified of Chris Christie. They are of the opinion that no one on the right can be liked at these level. I only Hope that Chris fights them back at every turn. Sitting back and taking it is the wrong strategy IMO. The new strategy of the left is “divide and conquer” and that worked for them in the last presidential cycle. Keep the Paul folks on the sideline was their main goal but paint Romney as one of the evil rich to keep voters at home. Sadly, it isn’t about what best for the state and country but who can trick the most voters into not voting. Stay on top of this guys, I predict it will get ugly. The left has become expert at building mountains out of thin air.

  3. We need to do this in NJ – The Oklahoma House passed a bill nullifying Obamacare in a huge stand against Obama… and the media almost completely ignored it. Please SHARE this.

    The black-out won’t work. Around the country, states are slowly realizing that they DO have the power to fight back — even if congress won’t.

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