Lonegan Vouches for Christie

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Christie and LoneganThey were fierce political enemies in 2009, Save Jerseyans, but today former Bogota Mayor Steve Lonegan is vouching for the sincerity of Governor Chris Christie’s reaction to the Bridgegate scandal.

Number 1 frenemies in the NJ GOP? Maybe.

“Governor Christie has always been a strong leader for the people of New Jersey. In recent days, this has never been clearer,” said Lonegan in a statement released by his still-active U.S. Senate campaign committee. “I was inspired by the Governor’s transparency in bringing the details of the situation to light, as well as his swift action to hold accountable those that were responsible.”

“I am confident that the Assembly’s Special Investigation Committee will find what is already known to the people of New Jersey – that Governor Christie’s leadership is an example that should be followed by those who are attempting to suppress him with continuous partisan droning,” he continued.

It’s worth noting (as Lonegan does openly in his press release) that the Governor is hosting a fundraiser to help retire his campaign this week.

Lonegan is also a declared candidate for the CD3 House vacancy created by Jon Runyan; he may be hoping to earn the Governor’s tacit support (active or by abstention) by being a good soldier despite Burlington County’s vocal opposition? After two polls are out showing the Guv still riding relatively high…

Cynical, I know, but you don’t visit Save Jersey for the high-quality graphics or singing and dancing entertainment. Just sayin’.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Lonegan just wants his name in the news again, he is not to be trusted; Lonegan has no values other than self-interest. The people of New Jersey stand with this Governor, as do out of state folks like Rep. Michael Grimm and Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Lonegan is a complete embarrassment to the GOP, I look forward to his defeat in the GOP congressional primary down in Burlington & Ocean.

  2. I have issues with some of the things Christie has or has not done, but I agree with Steve Lonegan’s statements about how the Governor handled this matter.

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