MacArthur Posts $2+ Million

Tom MacArthur at the OC Convention

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Tom MacArthur at OC ConventionCD3 GOP candidate Tom MacArthur is reporting over $2 million raised in the 1st Quarter of 2014 ($2,001,075.00 to be exact), Save Jerseyans, along with approximately $1.75 million cash-on-hand.

“This has been a very good past few weeks for Tom and the campaign,” said campaign spokesman Chris Russell.  “Sweeping the party endorsements in mid-March was a critical first step, and as soon as it ended we began an aggressive campaign on television, in the mail box, online and on the ground.  We have a superior candidate, a more compelling message and all the resources we need to win this primary on Tuesday, June 3rd.”

Primary rival Steven Lonegan told PolitickerNJ back around the beginning of April that he had raised approximately $350,000. MacArthur, for his part, has thus far contributed $2 million of his own money to the race.

The $2 million question for political pundits? Can MacArthur’s growing war chest and county line advantage overtake Lonegan’s name recognition between now and June 3rd? 


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. So $2,001,075.00 raised by MacArthur. $2 Million from MacArthur himself, $1,000 from North Jersey, and $75 in miscellaneous donations. So I guess that puts his in-district fundraising at .00003%, assuming those $75 came from CD-03. Not exactly what I would call great fundraising numbers, but good on Tom for putting up his money and hopefully using it wisely.

  2. MacArthur is a good candidate, and it’s even better that he is capable of contributing to his own campaign, but his money won’t carry him far against a Democrat who will have access to virtually unlimited NJEA funds. He’ll have to spend heavily just to lift himself off the ground, while the Dem uses “free press” and school boards to do same. In that aspect, Lonegan’s name recognition would be a major asset.

  3. Saying he raised more than $2 Million is a bit of a stretch. He loaned his campaign $2 Million and raised the rest. If you look at the FEC forms, the section that is titled “Total Contributions” has an amount of $1,075.

  4. If he were donating the money to his campaign, that’s fine by me… it’s his money. This scam about “lending” money to the campaign is another story. The idea is that he will raise money from various interests and pay himself back. Just because he can front the cash doesn’t mean he is any more independent of the so-called “special interests” than other candidates.

  5. MacArthur is the favorite of the insiders. Everyone in the establishment has lined up behind him. We’re talking double-dippers, big spenders, tax hikers … generally deplorable people. For a largely self-financed candidate, he sure is going to be owing a lot of people favors if he gets elected.

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