Lobo Pitches VA Privatization Plan

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

lobiondo press conference“This legislation would allow any veteran to make the decision of whether they want to go to a VA facility as is currently mandated or to be able to go to the doctor or hospital of their choice.”

It’s amazing this hasn’t happened sooner, Save Jerseyans. With those words, Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ02), who was accompanied by frosh legislator and political ally Sam Fiocchi (R-1), announced on Tuesday his intention to introduce legislation that would, as he stated, permit U.S. military veterans to obtain health care services from local hospitals in lieu of facilities operated by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The VA (as it’s colloquially known) has come under intense scrutiny for documented cases of fatal neglect and, apparently, a subsequent cover-up.

House Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Jeff Miller (R-FL) made a similar announcement last week, and the VA itself is allegedly exploring the private option independent of Congress. It’s a damn shame that American heroes needed to die before anyone in D.C. bothered to act...


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Lobo was my Congressman before the redistricting. I once called his office to ask about town halls and was told that he only held telephone town halls. I said that I had participated in one of those but wanted to meet him in person and asked if they could put me on a list and notify me when he was going to be speaking somewhere in NJ. They said that they didn’t have that service available but that I could check into his website from time to time to see if he might have an appearance planned at an event or function that I might be able to attend. Yeah, right. That’s a GOP “Establishment” guy for you. Actually, I lived closer to Jon Adler’s District at the time and attended several of his town halls. Although I disagreed with him on most issues, I respected him for putting himself out there and answering my questions on several occasions. My current Rep, Jon Runyan, has never had a town hall. You know why as well as I do. How much do you want to bet that McArthur would avoid his constituents like the plague just as Lobo and Runyan have generally done?

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