Walker’s Sortie in New Jersey

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Christie and WalkerSo says National Review, relaying details of an event last Tuesday in Lakewood, New Jersey, where Walker addressed approximately 30 donors:

“The governor took a swipe at his friend Chris Christie on Christie’s home turf, touting his own success reducing property taxes in Wisconsin after a decade of steady increases. New Jersey’s astronomical property taxes are notorious, and Christie, who has a full-blown budget crisis on his hands right now, has done little to address the problem.”

Told you it wouldn’t last long.

To be fair, I can’t verify the accuracy of the article’s Walker-attacked-Christie angle, Save Jerseyans, since it’s unclear whether Walker was directly criticizing Christie or simply playing up a contrast between himself and the field generally on a topic with which a New Jersey crowd would certainly identify. The old and new media alike plays this stuff up. Either way, Governor Walker likely knows that cost-of-living issues remain Christie’s Achilles heel.

What really matters is that he’s talking like a presidential candidate, not just a guy running for reelection at home (sound familiar?), and significantly, this kind of event – specifically, raising money on the Big Guy’s home turf – wouldn’t have gone down like this even 7 months ago before Bridgegate, let alone in a year when the consistently-successful fundraiser Christie controls the RGA’s involvement level in Walker’s Wisconsin. Maybe that’s the reason why Walker’s aides allegedly felt “skittish.” Treason is treason no matter how popular the king might be at any given moment.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Chris Christie, if running will not get out of the Southern Primaries with a hope. He is Rudy Guiliani’s “Florida Strategy” 2016 version. His failure to maintain the budget and leaning so far left to accommodate the Dems will not sit well with Southern Conservatives. While Walker is somewhat moderate, he has a successful fiscal record to run on and won two elections within a couple of years, the second by more than the first, I believe.

    Executive experience will trump Senatorial experience (Cruz, Paul, Rubio) especially since we saw what happened with the Obmummer’s lack of executive credentials.

    NOT saying Walker is a lock, but he would do better in the primaries than Christie. And, I like Christie for his ability to fight back against unions, ect. Except for the fact that the budget is a mess, he might have had a chance.

    The country is in a fiscal mess and that’s what is important now.

  2. Christie has a bigger issue dogging him – he hasn’t shown any willingness to better the lot for NJ gun owners. He won’t even commit to veto the anti-gun 10 round limit bill on his desk right now. If Christie was serious about actually winning the nod, he would work to bring shall-issue concealed carry to NJ and extend an official pardon to Brian Aitken so that he can see his son again. This bold step would actually warm middle America to Chris Christie, many of whom are skeptical of a guy who is prominently featured on his own campaign flyers from the past supporting an assault weapons ban.

    Scott Walker on the other hand has brought shall-issue concealed carry to Wisconsin. All the fears of blood flowing in the streets of Milwaukee have never been fulfilled. He has never disrespected the 2nd amendment and Wisconsin gun owners can excercise the right responsibly and legally.

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