Christie Improves But Struggles Against Hilldawg in Iowa

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Iowa FlagStatistical noise? Or a trend?

What difference does it make? We’ve got a long way to go, Save Jerseyans…

Click here to view the results of the latest Quinnipiac 2016 Iowa poll showing Governor Chris Christie trailing Hillary “Hilldawg” Clinton by 8-points, 44% to 36%, a noticeable improvement from Hilldawg’s 13-points, 48% to 35% lead back in March when (1) Bridgegate was at its height but before (2) a lackluster book tour and more negative foreign policy news took more shine off of the Obama Administration alumni pool’s resume.

In case you were wondering why Governor Christie attended the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s confab last week, the polling results suggest his issues may partially cultural/regional; Paul (KY), Ryan (WI) and Huckabee (AR) all perform slightly stronger against the leading Democrat. Only Jeb Bush performs worse.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

1 Comment

  1. I’m a NJ resident, but I lived in Iowa for several years and still have a lot of family and friends living there. I can tell you that the state, particularly the part I lived in (Burlington: a blue-collar, Democrat stronghold on the Mississippi) is full of pro-life Democrats who “cling to guns and religion.” I know it’s an oxymoron, but it’s the truth. On paper, the state should be solid red every single election, even if the GOP runs Mickey Mouse. But when you talk to the voters there, they’ll tell you that while they tend to be conservative in their personal views, they believe the Democrats are more representative of the common/working man or the “little guy”, while Republicans stand for the rich. I am a big fan of Governor Christie, and actually worked as an intern in Trenton for about a year and a half, but I think he’d have some more serious issues in the Caucuses than the general in 2016. In the general election, I think he’d be stronger than this poll indicates if he made the effort in Iowa. Hillary’s been on the national stage for over 20 years, while Christie isn’t as well known to most voters as you’d think in Iowa. The people I know out there hadn’t even heard of him until they found out I had gotten an internship with “some governor out east.” People also forget Clinton is a God-awful candidate. Remember how she was unstoppable, yet she lost the Democrat nomination to some no-name community organizer in 2008? Also, Christie’s bluntness and reputation will play much better in a general election full of Independents, centrist Democrats, and establishment Republicans. The Caucuses bring out the far-right of the GOP, and they’ll see him as a Northeastern RINO and opt for someone like Rand Paul or Rick Santorum (to name two examples, anyway).

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