MacArthur Launches

With Three Months Left, Republican Campaign Goes After Debate-Ducking Belgard with Big Online Ad Blitz

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

A screenshot from
A screenshot from

At the end of June, Save Jerseyans, we talked about how strange it was that Democrat CD3 hopeful Aimee Belgard continued to duck debate challenges from her Republican opponent, Tom MacArthur, in her quest to succeed Jon Runyan and become only the second Democrat since Reconstruction to hold the seat.

Yes, well-heeled incumbents or candidates who are waaay ahead in polling have few incentives to risk giving their opponent an opportunity to get back into the game with a well-landed punch. Belgard doesn’t fit into either category. She needs that big “punch” to make a go of this thing — and quickly — before October arrives and national Democrats who’ve flirted with her candidacy get bored and turn their attention and resources to defenses.

Experts agree that the South Jersey district encompassing most of Burlington and Ocean counties tilts right this cycle; she’s only got three months to overcome that reality as well as the reality of President Obama’s sinking approval rating.

What we’ve gotten instead from Belgard, a Burlington County Freeholder, are vague talking points on her website, nasty personal attacks delievered in pre-packaged fundraising emails and, as icing on the cake, a social media presence that looks like it’s being managed by a 14-year old with dyslexia.

Enter, launched by the MacArthur team on Monday as part of a large-scale new social media campaign designed, frankly, to have the discussion with voters that Belgard refuses to engage directly.

“Since our opponent is not interested in a real conversation about issues or a debate about her record in office, we decided to launch so the voters can begin to learn the truth about Aimee Belgard, and why her campaign is fighting so hard to hide it,” opined Frank Luna, campaign manager for MacArthur.

The site is more substantive than her own, honing-in on assorted Belgardisms including a flip-flop on her taxpayer-funded paycheck that she promised NOT to accept back in 2010. It paints and accurate but consequently less-than-flattering picture of a candidate who is notoriously thin-skinned… precisely why she doesn’t want to debate in the first place.

Click here to check out for yourself. It’s a hoot.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. I don’t see Mr. MacArthur daring to debate the “Other” candidate…no invitations to Mr. LaVergne, Tom?

    I have it on very good authority that he is more than ready for you.

  2. Matt – making fun of learning disabilities is classless, and beneath contempt. (re “14-year-old with dyslexia”)

  3. An open letter to Candidate MacArthur: (NJ CD3)

    Mr. MacArthur

    You keep telling the same story over and over, that Ms. Belgard refuses to set a date to debate you.

    I am also your opponent in this race, and you consistently ignore requests from my campaign, or Ed Forchion’s, to debate.

    How, exactly, is your behavior any different?
    Is this is just another obfuscation of the truth on your part?

    I spoke with Aimee Belgard about debates personally in Barnegat Light. She is ready and willing.
    Several non-partisan organizations have already been approached as potential sponsors…unlike the stacked deck in BURLCO ONLY that you presented ONLY to Ms. Belgard.

    What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that you can’t stand up to scrutiny on a level playing field?

    I believe you are well and truly afraid of a fair fight…as most bullies are.

    You garnered less than 2% of the voting population of the district at the polls in the June primary…not very impressive for a 2 million dollar investment.

    Does that indicate that the voters have already seen through you? YOU BET IT DOES.

    There will be AT LEAST three candidates on the ballot in November – four, if NJWeedman’s appeal is successful…a foregone conclusion if the courts follow the law. Ms. Belgard’s contention is that the NJDSC challenged leveled against Weedman’s petition was filed without her prior knowledge. This may be true, (and certainly raises an eyebrow if it is), but, while he may or may not be on the ballot in November, I most assuredly AM.

    You believe you can waltz in here in your Bentley convertible, splash a little cash around, and everyone in the district should just fall at your feet like you were the “second coming”…

    I beg to differ.

    What are you even doing here? Did Rodney Frelinghuysen scare you out of District 11?
    If I thought you gave a damn about the constituents you “might” serve, I would make a joke about how disappointed you must have been when you found out Rush Holt was coming home AFTER you had announced for CD3 – it might have been easier and less expensive for you to go up against Dr. Alieta Eck in the CD12 Primary, and would certainly have been “closer to home”.
    You complain that Ms. Belgard is “nothing but talking points”. I see nothing of substance from you – nothing at all. Do you even have a coherent message?

    You believe that being the “R” makes you the front-runner, and the “best choice”. Two million bucks for a 2% return? This race is most assuredly an open question. You have no mandate.

    Who pays 2 million dollars just to get on the ballot in a race for a job that pays 175k a year?

    Someone with an agenda that guarantees them a return on their investment – that’s who.

    To the Voters of District Three…you have a far better choice in November. Take advantage. If you don’t already know who I am, you may want to find out.

    Our organization is offering solutions to many of the major issues facing this District, and the Nation. We’re actively engaged in the communities I intend to represent.
    I’m working for our citizens like I already have the job. Perhaps I should.

    “Stand for what’s right, or settle for what’s left” – Frederick John LaVergne, “Democratic-Republican” for Congress, NJ CD3

  4. A homeowner in NJCD3, I politely stopped by both campaign headquarters in hopes of getting answers to some hard questions and heavy concerns. While my questions were bold, the Belgard campaign was friendly, knowledgable, engaging and concerned, whereas, the MacArthur campaign got quickly flustered, furious, then proceeded to kick me out citing their campaign office as, “Private Property”. Well then…

  5. Dawn – would love the opportunity to hear what you have to say. I’m available at

    I will be in Willingboro on 09/02 at the JFK Building and at Town Hall. I will be at the Burlco Library at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, and at 6:30 p.m. at the fisheries meeting of the NJBBA at the Country Lakes Firehouse in Browns Mills, where we will be reviewing size and bag limits for Striped Bass for next year.

    The Willingboro VFW post # 4914 invited all of us to debate on 09/3, but that date was unacceptable to Aimee – Tom never answered. To my knowledge, neither has returned a firm date, but we will all be at Ocean County College on 10/17 (moved from 10/23).

    I am visiting groups all over the district for the next 65 days, but would be glad to take your phone call at any time. E-mail me to arrange the call or set up a personal meeting.

    I think you will like what we’re up to – especially on the anti-corruption front.

    If you want a REAL show – come to Judge Jacobson’s courtroom on September 10th at 11 a.m. At the very least, their attorneys will be present (if not phoning it in).

    By now, it’s probably apparent that the ventriloquist dummy can’t/won’t speak without the puppeteer present.

  6. Willingboro VFW Post 4914 will host a Congressional District Three Candidate Debate on 10/7/2014.

    It is ironic that, as this was the ONLY DATE that Aimee Belgard would agree to (through her Campaign Manager, Ms. Ledford), she has now dropped off the face of the earth as to responding to the commitment by BOTH of the other candidates to be there.

    The 10/17 debate is also on at Ocean County College.

    All three candidates are slated to attend.

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