New Polling Round-Up: Romney Now Leads Obama Nationally; Ahead of Santorum in New Jersey

Mitt Romney is in for nail-biter next week in Michigan, Save Jerseyans, but his position nationally appears to be improving.

For now.

Romney now leads President Obama, 50% to 46%, in Gallup’s latest survey. Rick Santorum narrowly trails Obama by 1-point in the same poll. The funny part? The Gallup folks found Santorum continues to lead Romney nationally by 7% among Republicans. If that doesn’t tell you something about “electability” and the wackiness of this cycle then I don’t know what does!

Meanwhile, here in New Jersey, a new Rutgers-Eagleton poll shows the former Governor ahead of Senator Santorum in the GOP primary. 36% of polled GOP voters are decided for and/or leaning towards Romney. Rick Santorum is at 19% while Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul are tied for 3rd place at 11%. 14% want someone else altogether and 8% are undecided. Romney has consistently led in the Garden State where he enjoys Governor Christie’s strong support.

With a winner-takes-all primary, delegate rich NJ (50) could be crucial if Santorm wins MI and OH.

For his part, Santorum had built a significant lead in Michigan. However, after the first full week of Team Romney’s airwaives blitz, the Senator’s lead in the RCP average is now just 0.6% and falling.

So what does all of this mean?

Gas prices and the contraception mandate flap are bringing the President’s numbers back down. Gallup also believes unemployment is heading back up to 9%. In short, Obama’s vulnerable (again), and if economic issues (gas, jobs) overtake liberty/social concerns (contraception mandates) as the undisputed central concern for conservative primary voters, that political terrain favors Romney both now and in the general.

Ironically, if the election were held today, the only thing standing between Mitt Romney and the presidency would be Rick Santorum and his ongoing “conservative credibility” issues. That’s why Mitt Romney will continue to fight like hell (and spend a ton of money) to make sure Michigan goes his way. We heard in his tone during last night’s debate. A lot is riding on MI and he knows it…


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Hopefully Santorum "takes one for the team" and drops out, just like he used to when he voted for Planned Parenthood funding and No Child Left Behind just because Bush asked nicely.

  2. The American Political landscape has gone to crap over the past couple elections due to lack of civility. We need to rise up for our children and take back our society from Big Pharma, Big Tobbacco, Big Insurance and really just big companies. It's time for our elections to stop being bought out.

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