Will: All Bell Needs is a “Modest Infusion”

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Jeff BellThe senior statesmen of conservative media continue to advocate for the candidacy of Jeff Bell, Save Jerseyans, all despite growing odds and shortening days in the Election 2014 cycle.

This time it’s George Will, saying something we’ve been saying for months, shortly after Bill Kristol weighed in to argue for the viability of the Bell campaign to dethrone Cory Booker (D-Twitter).

From Friday night on the WashPo website:

“Yet Booker’s lead is only in the low double digits — 13 points in the RealClearPolitics average of polls. In eight Senate races (Delaware, HawaiiNew Mexico, Oregon, Illinois, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Virginia), Republicans are less competitive than Bell is. If Republican groups had given Bell the money they spent dragging Sen. Thad Cochran to re-nomination in Mississippi, Bell might be hot on Booker’s heels. He could still get there with a modest infusion of campaign contributions: Several polls have shown Booker’s support below 50 percent.”

I guess it depends on your definition of “modest.”

Bell would probably need a few million on TV – starting tomorrow – to begin to compensate for Booker’s name recognition and head start (remember – this isn’t OK; we’ve got the #1 and another top 5 most expensive media markets in the country). 

The only way that’s happening is if (1) the other lean-to-borderline GOP Senate targets (GA, AR, AK, etc.) break heavily towards us in the next week AND (2) someone with big-time influence like Chris Christie recommits to making it a top priority over the final four weeks (I’m talking on-the-road joint public appearances, not just fundraisers).

Then, and only then, someone in D.C. might be willing to roll the dice and try to move the numbers…

But Will’s larger point by inference remains. This contest was the Republican Party’s race to lose and the GOP didn’t even try, regardless of whether you think the decision to punt was justified. That’s the uncomfortable truth of this whole affair. 


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. “Bell would probably need a few million on TV – starting tomorrow – to begin to compensate for Booker’s name recognition and head start (remember – this isn’t OK; we’ve got the #1 and another top 5 most expensive media markets in the country).”

    This is why New Jersey needs to be its own media market – which actually Booker is pushing for. New Jersey politicians have to buy television time on foreign tv stations where most of the viewers aren’t New Jerseyans and can’t vote in NJ elections. It is just pissing money away in NJ to buy network ads.


  2. We’ll all vote for the right guy. No amount of money will convince those who aren’t planning to that they should. Tired of NJ. My vote means nothing here.

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