Garrett stands alone after “clean” DHS bill vote

Scott Garrett

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

What do most House Republicans agree on today, Save Jerseyans?

That the nominally GOP Senate is the problem.

“Over seven weeks ago, the House stood with the American people by voting to fully fund the Department of Homeland Security, and to put an immediate stop to President Obama’s unconstitutional executive amnesty,” Rep. Scott Garrett (R, NJ-05) explained via a Tuesday evening statement posted on Facebook. “It was my hope that Senate Democrats would stop performing political gymnastics and answer repeated calls from the House to come to Conference with this bill so we could work on a deal in the best interest of our constituents.”

Scott Garrett

Garrett, however, ultimately decided to vote against the clean DHS funding bill that cleared his chamber on Tuesday.

“I supported short-term funding extensions to continue these negotiations with the Senate in good faith, but I cannot ignore the will of my constituents by supporting a bill that allows President Obama’s executive amnesty plan to continue unchecked” the Congressman added. “I stand with the people of New Jersey’s Fifth District, law-abiding immigrants, and the Constitution of the United States, and I will continue to fight to undo the damage caused by President Obama’s actions.”

He was alone among New Jersey Republicans in the federal caucus. Frank LoBiondo (R, NJ-02), Tom MacArthur (R, NJ-03), Chris Smith (R, NJ-04), Leonard Lance (R, NJ-07), and Rodney Frelinghuysen (R, NJ-11) all voted for the leadership-backed measure.

“The U.S. Senate’s continued failure to block the President’s unilateral actions threatens our national security and hinders our efforts to secure our borders,” Rep. Lance explained in a press release. “At a time of growing terrorist threats both here at home and abroad it is critical that Congress ensure continued funding for our Nation’s homeland security operations.”

You already know my take on DHS’s value in terms of protecting us, Save Jerseyans. What’s my take on the dysfunction plaguing Capitol Hill Republicans? I think Rush Limbaugh pretty much nailed it: there’s no stopping this tyrant over the final two years of his term in office since he’s quite literally willing to do anything and everything to advance his agenda. He isn’t constrained by constitution, statute, respect for American institutions or even basic morality. Anything the GOP does (or doesn’t do), he’ll simply work around it by executive order, ignoring the other two branches of government whenever they fail to readily assent to the latest executive power grab.

So what we really need to be talking about here?

In the interest of framing the internal Republican debate in a more productive way?

The best way to get to 60 seats in the Senate and control of the White House in 2016. Our system can’t function with a tyrant in the White House and 41 (or more) enablers in a senate specifically designed to check the popularly-elected House of Representatives.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. This is how I too would have voted. Now, I’d challenge the executive orders via the courts with fast track action all the way up to the supreme court if nec. If he defies the highest court in the land, he’d be impeachable. I’d rather have Joe Biden finish the term and run against Hillary and Warren, let them self-destruct… but not take the country with them.

  2. Mcarthur voted with the establishment. No surprise there. I bet Steve Lonegan would not have.

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