Rubio, out-performing Christie at the moment, will raise cash in N.J.

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By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

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I may be an old Chris Christie partisan going back to 2008, Save Jerseyans, but I’ve also made no secret of the fact that I’m a great admirer of Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL). Elections are won by achieving a positive contrast; I can’t think of a stronger contrast to Hillary Clinton than Marco Rubio. Apparently plenty of Republicans agree, or are at least open to the idea.

A new WSJ/NBC News poll out Monday finds Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio atop the GOP heap for candidates polled prospective primary voters find they “could see supporting” next year; Rubio is the clear leader, however, when voters are asked whom they definitely couldn’t support in the primary (Rubio is in the low teens in this indicator). That’s big, and probably more significant at this point than any “who would you vote for” polling since the field is crowded and certain to narrow in the months ahead.

Compare that to Governor Christie whom better than 50% of polled Republicans can’t imagine themselves supporting (only Trump fares worse, with Rand Paul coming in third behind his New Jersey sparring partner).

I’m not going to revisit my Christie-collapse analysis here. You’ve seen it. Suffice it to say his troubles have become no less severe, and his path to the nomination no less steep, over the last few months despite having dodged a Bridgegate indictment. Granted there is still plenty of ball left to play (debates, super pac spending, etc.), but changing first impressions is a lot harder than making them.

That’s Rubio’s advantage right now; he’s also just the latest to try to capitalize on a weakened Jersey Giant. NJ Advance Media reports that he’s headed to New Jersey for an August 13th fundraiser in Colts Neck at the home of a wealthy Cuban construction tycoon. Bush allies have been working on their own event.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. @Matt Rooney, I have a serious question for you. As a well informed NJ resident why do you like Christie? Sure he is better than the last two Democrats who were governor but he has accomplished almost nothing. His first AG appointment was an anti gun Democrat who made the administrative code as it relates to guns even more restrictive. His administration just released an updated administrative code which was just as harsh. He was such a terrible negotiator with the Democrats in the legislature that he has not appointed even one strict constructionist NJ Supreme Court justice. He won’t even take a stand with the few Republican legislators who want to change school funding so each student would be allocated the same funding from the state. So I repeat, why should anyone support him?

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